How much pumpkin should I give my constipated cat
Can Cats Eat Pumpkin?
Has your kitty ever helped you make a pumpkin pie and taken a taste? Or how about sharing your pumpkin spice latte?
Pet parents often ask if its safe for their cat to eat pumpkin. Heres what you need to know about sharing this seasonal squash with your cat, from potential benefits to how to feed it safely.
Is Pumpkin Good for Cats?
Plain 100% pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) is safe for cats and can even be useful as a treatment for gastrointestinal issues. It contains several healthy ingredients, such as potassium; phosphorous; calcium; vitamins A, C, and K; and lots of fiber.
Keep in mind, however, that cats are obligate carnivores. This means that their systems are designed to process meats, so everything that isnt a meat product, such as pumpkin, should be fed sparingly.
You may sometimes see pumpkin added as an ingredient in commercial cat foods, and this is usually done for the fiber content the pumpkin adds to the diet. Although there are other healthy nutrients in pumpkin, theyre usually also found in other components of the food that are easier for them to digest.
Can a Cat Eat Pumpkin Seeds?
Although pumpkin seeds are not toxic to cats, they can become a choking hazard, especially when eaten quickly. If your cat eats too many, it could result in an intestinal obstruction.
If you do give your cat pumpkin seeds, they are best fed in small quantities with you close by. Do not add any salt or spices or cook or roast them in oil, which markedly increases the fat content.
It is fine to use seeds that are either in the shell or with the shell removed, but mashing or crushing the seeds is safest. They can then be sprinkled on top of canned cat food for your cat to enjoy.
Is Pumpkin Good for Constipated Cats?
Perhaps the most common reason veterinarians recommend pumpkin is for constipated cats. The water content combined with the fiber can often help ease constipation. Many cats will respond to 2-4 teaspoons of canned pumpkin added to canned cat food if they have a mild case of constipation.
Canned food is recommended for constipated kitties, as it adds more water into their system. This is augmented by the water and the fiber in the canned pumpkin. Many veterinarians will use the addition of canned pumpkin as part of the cornerstone treatment for constipation.
Is Pumpkin Good for Cats With Diarrhea?
Canned pumpkin serves double dutyit is sometimes used to treat cats with diarrhea as well as constipated cats! The fiber in the pumpkin can add bulk to the stool, which helps to relieve the loose stools of diarrhea. However, if you give your cat too much canned pumpkin, it will usually result in diarrhea.
If your kitty has diarrhea, consult your veterinarian before giving pumpkin. Most cases of diarrhea actually have a medical cause, and those are easiest to diagnose in the earlier stages. You dont want to treat the symptom and not investigate the cause.
After checking a stool sample and perhaps doing other tests, your veterinarian may recommend pumpkin as part of the treatment plan. Somewhere between 1-4 teaspoons of canned pumpkin will usually be recommended for diarrhea, depending on the severity of the symptoms, age and weight of your cat, and other factors your veterinarian might note. This is likely safe for both young and old cats that are otherwise healthy.
Can Cats Eat Pumpkin Pie?
Pumpkin pie and canned pumpkin pie filling both contain many spices, which are likely not healthy for your cat. Some of these spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and allspice, can be considered mildly toxic and result in gastrointestinal upset.
A small lick of pumpkin pie filling will likely cause no harm, but if your cat eats more than this, call your veterinarian to determine if any additional action is needed.
How to Feed Your Cat Pumpkin Safely
If your kitty likes pumpkin and you would like to share, the best option is a small amount of cooked, plain pumpkin with no spices added. While it is sometimes best to cook your own so you know exactly whats in it, canned or pureed pumpkin is also safe as long as no other ingredients have been added.
It is safe to use either pie pumpkins or carving pumpkins, although most people think that pie pumpkins taste better. Who knows what cat taste-testers think? The canned pumpkin you get in the grocery store comes from pie pumpkins.
Some cats will eat pumpkin on its own, while others prefer to have it stirred into a small amount of canned cat foodabout 2-3 tablespoons. However your cat likes it, canned pumpkin can be a very valuable addition to your cats diet if they have gastrointestinal problems, especially mild chronic constipation.
Featured Image: Kurylo
How Much Olive Oil Should I Give My Cat for Constipation?
Using olive oil to help a constipated cat is one of those well-known home remedies, and its a very effective solution for a cat suffering from painful constipation.
If youre here because you want to know, how much olive oil should I give my cat for constipation? I can answer this for you.
Along with helping you understand how to tell if your cat is constipated and some of the common causes of feline constipation.
Signs Your Cat Is Constipated
If you have an indoor cat you will have a good idea how often you clean poop out of their litter box and be able to work out how long its been since theyve had a bowel movement.
If its been more than 24 hours and they are showing some of the signs below, its very likely they are constipated and in need of your help.
If you have an outdoor cat or are concerned about your kitty, here are some of the symptoms and signs to look out for that may indicate your cat is constipated:
- Meowing and crying when trying to poop
- Frequent visits to their litter box without pooping
- Finding small, hard poops
- Not eating
- Lethargic behavior
- Vomiting and retching
- Visible signs of pain and discomfort
What Causes Cats to Be Constipated?
Some of the common reasons cats become constipated include:
Dehydration Cats can be fussy when it comes to where they drink from and how often. Being dehydrated is a common cause of constipation.
You should always have fresh water available for your cat. You will get to know your cat best and their own preferred method of drinking.
If you think they are not drinking enough try moving where their water is situated. You can also try using a different shape bowl, or try a water fountain.
Cats like running water and are usually more inclined to drink when water is moving.
Diet Im sure you are providing a good balance of wet and dry cat food, its more likely to be the food your cat finds outside of their meals thats the culprit.
If your cat likes to steal scraps of your food this can cause constipation. Human foods that have a lot of preservatives, high salt content, and are high in fat are the worst for cats.
Ive covered various foods that are fine in moderation throughout this blog. Always check that the foods they have access to are OK for them before giving some to them.
Underlying health issue If your cat is becoming constipated on a regular basis there may be an underlying health issue that needs addressing.
Tumors are one such issue that can cause an obstruction in their digestive tract. You should visit the vet if you have any concerns or your cat is becoming constipated too often.
Litter box problems The last thing you want it your cat pooping outside of their litter box. But at the same time if they are refusing to use their box and becoming constipated you have a bigger problem.
If your cat hasnt been using their box try and find out why. Maybe its the scent or the feel of the litter, the box is too dirty, something has freaked them out at that location
Some cats will hold out on pooping if they are not comfortable finding somewhere to poop. Their stool will harden and theyll become constipated.
How Much Olive Oil Should I Give My Cat for Constipation?
Half a tablespoon should be enough for cats with mild constipation. You can use as much as a whole tablespoon for larger cats.
Mix the olive oil a small amount of their favorite wet food. Trying to spoon feed a cat is not a good idea.
If they are not eating and there is no chance of them eating it with their food try using a dropper.
However, if youve ever tried to get a cat to eat something they dont want youll know all too well how difficult it is.
You know your cat best. All you can do is try and get them to eat the olive oil without stressing them out.
If its not possible youll need to get them to a vet and they will advise the best course of treatment.
If you do get your cat to eat some olive oil they should have a bowel movement within a few hours of eating olive oil.
If not, or if your cat keeps becoming constipated over the following days you need to take them to a vet for a professional evaluation.
Final Thoughts
Olive oil is only a short-term solution for occasional bouts of constipation. Its a good idea to try it however as its a perfectly safe and effective way to help loosen their stool and stimulate a bowel movement.
But do keep in mind that if the problems persist there may be an underlying issue, so you should get your cat seen by a vet.
Half to 1 tablespoon of olive oil should be enough to help a constipated cat and you should see them pooping within a few hours.
Pumpkin for Cats How and When to Use It
No matter how careful you are, accidents happen this is particularly true when it comes to pet poisoning cases. Not only that cats and dogs have some uncanny ability to get into stuff that theyre not supposed to get into, but you also cant always know what things could be a potential toxin to them. And believe us when we say, there are a lot of potential pet toxins in an average household!The annual report by the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) only goes to prove this. Each year, they examine all the compiled data to determine which are the most commonly encountered pet toxins each year. It helps keep owners aware of the threats, and to keep vets always one step ahead. In 2023, the APCC was extra busy, having received hundreds of thousands of calls about items and substances that pets were exposed to. Incredibly, these substances totaled over 351,000!Even though they were contacted about such an imposing number of potentially hazardous substances, they managed to narrow down the most common culprits and compile the list of top 10 pet toxins in 2023, which will serve as a great reminder of what to look out for.Over-the-counter medications, including cold and flu medicines, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and vitamins and supplements. With 16.8% exposure, these medications are the number one threat in 2023. Almost every home has some sort of medications stored, and they arent always expertly hidden. Accidentally, pets can discover them and suffer many dire consequences if they ingest them. Human food and drink are almost equally as dangerous, with 16.2% reported calls. A lot of what we consume daily is toxic to pets. This can range from common items such as raisins, onions, garlic, grapes, or sweets, to more rare items such as protein drinks and bars, xylitol gums, and energy drinks. If your pet gets their paws on any of these, it can end up in an emergency vet visit. Prescription medications for humans are very dangerous to pets, and many reports were made in regard to inhalers, ADHD medications, heart medications, and similar. Prescription medications are often strong drugs and definitely not meant for pets.Chocolate is the number 4 threat for 2023. A staggering 13% of calls were related to this sweet. Dogs are mostly found consuming it as cats do not have sweet taste buds or the appetite of dogs. Still, chocolate is not meant for pets and can cause many side effects.Veterinary products are at number 5 with 8.3% reported exposures. Callers reported ingestion of chewable tablets or soft chews, many of them used for calming pets. Owners are urged to keep medicines locked away, as pets can like their sweet taste and go after them when you are not looking. Plants and fungi accounted for 8.1% of exposures. Dogs are inquisitive and can find these plants on their outdoor adventures. But many plants can cause a threat to dogs, so make sure to acquaint yourself with a list of toxic plants to look out for.Household products are also on this list, with 7.1% of exposures reported. Pets consumed various dangerous items, such as deoxidizer packets, batteries, and various miscellanea lying around the house. Be aware of whats lying around thats easy to reach.Rodenticides are a major threat to pets. People can use poisons to get rid of pests, but our pets dont know that. If they ingest them, it can be extremely dangerous, leading to kidney failure, bleeding, and even death. When you are out on walks, always be careful what is lying around. Insecticides are almost the same. People use bug sprays, ant baits, and poisonous powders all over the place. Always make sure that the area you are in is free from anything that can be a threat to your pet. Recreational drugs are last but not least. With substances such as marijuana becoming increasingly legal, pets can come in contact with them as well. But there are also hallucinogenic substances such as mushrooms, especially psilocybin, and muscarine, which can be very harmful to pets.