Will olive oil help my cat poop
How Much Olive Oil Should I Give My Cat for Constipation?
Using olive oil to help a constipated cat is one of those well-known home remedies, and its a very effective solution for a cat suffering from painful constipation.
If youre here because you want to know, how much olive oil should I give my cat for constipation? I can answer this for you.
Along with helping you understand how to tell if your cat is constipated and some of the common causes of feline constipation.
Signs Your Cat Is Constipated
If you have an indoor cat you will have a good idea how often you clean poop out of their litter box and be able to work out how long its been since theyve had a bowel movement.
If its been more than 24 hours and they are showing some of the signs below, its very likely they are constipated and in need of your help.
If you have an outdoor cat or are concerned about your kitty, here are some of the symptoms and signs to look out for that may indicate your cat is constipated:
- Meowing and crying when trying to poop
- Frequent visits to their litter box without pooping
- Finding small, hard poops
- Not eating
- Lethargic behavior
- Vomiting and retching
- Visible signs of pain and discomfort
What Causes Cats to Be Constipated?
Some of the common reasons cats become constipated include:
Dehydration Cats can be fussy when it comes to where they drink from and how often. Being dehydrated is a common cause of constipation.
You should always have fresh water available for your cat. You will get to know your cat best and their own preferred method of drinking.
If you think they are not drinking enough try moving where their water is situated. You can also try using a different shape bowl, or try a water fountain.
Cats like running water and are usually more inclined to drink when water is moving.
Diet Im sure you are providing a good balance of wet and dry cat food, its more likely to be the food your cat finds outside of their meals thats the culprit.
If your cat likes to steal scraps of your food this can cause constipation. Human foods that have a lot of preservatives, high salt content, and are high in fat are the worst for cats.
Ive covered various foods that are fine in moderation throughout this blog. Always check that the foods they have access to are OK for them before giving some to them.
Underlying health issue If your cat is becoming constipated on a regular basis there may be an underlying health issue that needs addressing.
Tumors are one such issue that can cause an obstruction in their digestive tract. You should visit the vet if you have any concerns or your cat is becoming constipated too often.
Litter box problems The last thing you want it your cat pooping outside of their litter box. But at the same time if they are refusing to use their box and becoming constipated you have a bigger problem.
If your cat hasnt been using their box try and find out why. Maybe its the scent or the feel of the litter, the box is too dirty, something has freaked them out at that location
Some cats will hold out on pooping if they are not comfortable finding somewhere to poop. Their stool will harden and theyll become constipated.
How Much Olive Oil Should I Give My Cat for Constipation?
Half a tablespoon should be enough for cats with mild constipation. You can use as much as a whole tablespoon for larger cats.
Mix the olive oil a small amount of their favorite wet food. Trying to spoon feed a cat is not a good idea.
If they are not eating and there is no chance of them eating it with their food try using a dropper.
However, if youve ever tried to get a cat to eat something they dont want youll know all too well how difficult it is.
You know your cat best. All you can do is try and get them to eat the olive oil without stressing them out.
If its not possible youll need to get them to a vet and they will advise the best course of treatment.
If you do get your cat to eat some olive oil they should have a bowel movement within a few hours of eating olive oil.
If not, or if your cat keeps becoming constipated over the following days you need to take them to a vet for a professional evaluation.
Final Thoughts
Olive oil is only a short-term solution for occasional bouts of constipation. Its a good idea to try it however as its a perfectly safe and effective way to help loosen their stool and stimulate a bowel movement.
But do keep in mind that if the problems persist there may be an underlying issue, so you should get your cat seen by a vet.
Half to 1 tablespoon of olive oil should be enough to help a constipated cat and you should see them pooping within a few hours.
Does Olive Oil Relieve Constipation?
Olive oil is often touted for its potential health benefits, which include lowering cholesterol and helping to balance blood sugar levels. The oil may also help treat constipation.
Constipation refers to the slow movement of stools through your bowels. You may only have a few bowel movements per week. The accepted norm is one bowel movement per day, but your individual habits may vary. With constipation, stools become hard and dry. This can make the stool harder to pass. Abdominal pain is a common symptom of constipation.
The laxative effect of olive oil is generally mild. Most people can also consume the oil without side effects. Even if it offers only slight relief, it may be worth adding this healthy oil to your diet.
Constipation has many possible causes. This can make it difficult to find out whats causing your particular case of it. The cause can be as simple and easily fixed as a poor diet or as serious as colon cancer.
More benign causes of constipation include a low-fiber diet, poor hydration, and a lack of regular exercise. Sedatives and medications that lower blood pressure may also cause constipation.
Underlying medical conditions can also cause constipation. Parkinsons disease and multiple sclerosis both count constipation among their list of health complications. In many cases, serious constipation is related to a problem in the digestive tract. For example, an anal fissure or a narrowing of the colon can cause constipation.
Neurological problems that specifically affect the nerves around the colon and rectum, as well as pelvic muscle problems, can also cause constipation.
Olive oil is considered a healthy fat because it contains primarily monounsaturated fats. The body uses these fats to improve cardiovascular health. Its also better for weight loss than saturated fats or trans fats, which can contribute to weight gain and other problems.
You can buy various types of olive oil at most grocery stores. Extra virgin olive oil is considered to be the purest because it doesnt go through a lot of heating and chemical processing.
Because olive oil isnt a medicine, there isnt a standardized recommendation for its use as a laxative.
In a study published in the Journal of Renal Nutrition, researchers found that daily doses of olive oil were effective in improving most constipation symptoms in people undergoing hemodialysis for kidney disease. The doses started at 4 milliliters and increased as needed.
You can consider trying a spoonful mixed in with a glass of orange juice or a cup of warm milk. The oil can also be used as a salad dressing or as an ingredient in cooking. If constipation is a frequent problem, you may want to start drizzling it on salads, cooked vegetables, or eggs to increase its presence in your diet.
Read more: 6 natural constipation remedies
Small doses of olive oil are well-tolerated by most people. Because it may have natural laxative properties, olive oil consumed in large amounts may contribute to diarrhea.
Olive oil packs a lot of calories into a small serving. One tablespoon, for example, has nearly 120 calories. If youre carefully counting calories, remember to include olive oil in your tally.
If you have diabetes, you should talk with your doctor before using olive oil in this manner. Olive oil may lower your blood sugar levels.
Adding a little more olive oil to your diet or trying a spoonful here and there to treat constipation isnt likely to carry any risk, even if it doesnt wholly address the problem of constipation.
If youve consumed olive oil in the past without problems, adding more to your diet or taking it as a laxative should be fine. You should consult with your pediatrician before giving olive oil to your baby.
Read more: 5 safe remedies for constipation in pregnancy
If olive oil doesnt help, consider taking an over-the-counter laxative. Many of these products work within a few hours, so you shouldnt take these if youre unable to access a bathroom readily.
If youve tried olive oil or other treatments and youre still constipated a few days later, make an appointment with your doctor or a gastroenterologist. If you dont have a bowel movement for a week, you should seek medical attention. You should also seek medical attention if your bowel movements are painful or produce little stool.
Follow these tips to prevent constipation:
- If youve started a new medication and constipation is one of the side effects, tell your doctor. An alternative medication or a lower dose may solve the problem.
- You can also try adding more fruit and leafy, green vegetables to your regular diet.
- Make sure you have at least eight glasses of water per day to prevent dehydration.
- You can also limit the number of sugar-sweetened drinks you have because theyre high in calories and can lead to weight gain. Being obese or overweight can increase your risk of constipation.
- Regular physical activity, even if its just a brisk walk every day, can also help improve your overall digestive health and help prevent constipation.
Seven home remedies for cat constipation
Looking for home remedies for cat constipation? While its incredibly common and usually mild, constipation can at the very least make your feline friend feel more than a little uncomfortable. If you suspect your cat may be constipated, having a good home remedy up your sleeve can come in handy.
Normal cat poop should be uniform in color, have a firm texture, and a clearly defined shape. You should be able to scoop it up easily and it shouldnt leave any residue behind. In contrast, constipated stools (if theyre able to be passed at all) will usually resemble very hard, dry nuggets.
Most cats poop every 24 hours. If you notice that your cat is pooping less frequently or straining to eliminate their bowels, they may be constipated. While increasing their fluid intake by feeding them the best wet cat food or changing their diet altogether is a good starting point, there are also several other things you can try.
While you always want to speak with your vet if your cat has gone more than 48-72 hours without a bowel movement, there are some home remedies you can try before then to relieve your cats constipation and help them feel comfortable again. Lets take a look
Cat constipation symptoms
Being able to spot the signs of constipation in cats depends on the type of moggy you have. If your cat goes outside to poop then you may not know that your feline has a problem for a while you're going to see the issue much more clearly among indoor cats.
Indeed, if you check a cat's litter tray and it appears to be empty for more than 24 hours, it's time to be on the alert. At this stage, look out for signs of a tense abdomen, a hunched posture and a decreased appetite or maybe even vomiting. Cats can also become more lethargic when they are constipated and, if they are passing any stools, they are likely to be small, hard and dry.
Sometimes you end up seeing fecal fluid and it can look as if they are suffering from diarrhea. In all likelihood, this is going to be due to irritation of the colon lining, causing fluid to leak out of the cat's bottom. If you spot any signs such as these, then it's time to take some action. You may not necessarily have to visit a vet just yet duration and severity are good indicators.
Causes of cat constipation
In humans, constipation is usually caused by diet: a lack of fluids, fiber or a sudden change are generally to blame. We can also get constipation if we sit or lie around for too long or exercise less than we should. Holding poop or becoming stressed or depressed are causes too.
Cats generally suffer constipation for much the same reasons. They may be reluctant to poop and hold it in for much longer than they should, for example. This could be due to a dirty litter box or its position: cats are clean creatures and they can also become stressed and anxious if other cats are around or if the environment is not quite to their liking, perhaps because it's too busy and noisy.
You should also be aware of what a cat is consuming. A lack of fluid or a diet with insufficient fiber are likely to cause a problem. There are, however, other serious causes of constipation such as arthritis, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, a hernia or a tumor around the pelvic area, cancer, perianal disease or an obstruction of the colon.
Indeed, the condition tends to arise more in older cats although this could be generally down to a more sedentary lifestyle. Finally, watch out for over-grooming: the more a cat licks their fur, the more hair is likely to make its way into the digestive tract and cause problems.
How to help a cat poop when constipated
If you believe your cat is constipated then you're going to want to do something to help. The good news is that there are a number of home remedies which can work wonders but, if you're going to try to offer assistance rather than call the vet at this stage, keep an overview of your treatment plan to ensure that it's having a positive effect.
You can do this by keeping a diary and noting down any symptoms you spot each day. It's a good idea, if the issue relates to an outdoor cat, to try and keep them indoors and introduce them to a litter tray so that you can monitor the stools for consistency and number. Keep a good idea on any potential displays of pain or strange behavior and check that they are eating.
But what home remedies can you try? Much depends on what you think the problem is but here are some suggestions:
1. Change the litter box
It's always a good idea to keep a litter box clean, more so if you're worried that it could be causing cats to hold their poop. A quick fix here is to ensure your cat's litter box is placed in a pleasant place. That way you can be sure that your cat at least feels comfortable trying to poop but if a feline already has constipation then this remedy is unlikely to resolve the issue in and of itself.
2. Add more fiber to the diet
You need to find a way of increasing the size and weight of a cat's stool and fiber does both of these things. It also softens feces making it easier to pass aim for insoluble fiber and the stool will become bulkier thanks to the addition of moisture. Be wary of adding more fiber if your cat is already getting a lot, though. In this case, it could make the problem worse and you need your cat to digest nutrients.
3. Change the protein
It's also worth thinking about altering the protein source of a cat's diet, switching from lamb to chicken maybe but be aware that a change such as this can take anywhere from two to three months to have an effect.
It's not going to prove effective if the problem is a pressing one that needs immediate action. This is something to consider once the current issue has been resolved. Be sure you read up on changing cat food and how to make the transition safely if you are considering this.
4. Reduce anxiety and stress
There could be an underlying environmental cause for constipation. Is your cat going outside and getting bullied by other cats, for instance? Or is your family life too hectic for your kitty at the moment? Maybe a dog has moved into the neighborhood or someone is having an extension built. Giving supplements such as Zylkene and Solliquin or a calming pheromone such as Feliway can work wonders.
5. Offer them water
Cats don't tend to like licking water out of a bowl so if you want to make sure your feline friend is getting enough moisture then you have to think a bit more creatively. Maybe invest in a one of the best pet water fountains for your fur friend the sound and smell of the water is enticing.
You should also consider the best cat food for your feline friend with constipation: reducing the amount of dry cat food you give in favor of the best wet cat food can increase moisture intake.
6. Keep them busy
Active cats are less likely to become constipated because it helps the intestines to move normally. Since taking a cat for a walk is out of the question (for most felines anyway!), you need to exercise a cat and keep them both mentally and physically stimulated by playing with them. Take your pick of the best cat toys and consider the best automated cat toys if you're away a lot.
7. Ensure a healthy weight
An obese moggy is undesirable for a number of reasons and the risk of constipation is one of them. Inflammation in the intestines means feces tends to hang around for longer as if attempting to make its way through your cat's body. Cutting a cat's weight if they are deemed to have packed on the pounds will help in the medium-to-long term and help to head off future problems.
When to see the vet
According to vet Dr. Rebecca MacMillan, who has provided an in-depth guide to normal vs abnormal cat poop in our vet's guide, it's usually a good idea to get a cat checked out if you suspect constipation.
Certainly, if the remedies above are not working very quickly, then you need to be sure that there are no underlying conditions such as a tumor, growth, nerve disorder, hernia or trauma to the pelvis. Vets are always there to advise and they can also offer over-the-counter laxatives which adds extra moisture to the intestines to soften the stool. These should not be used without vet advice, however.
A lack of adequate fluid throughout the day is a common cause of cat constipation. Check out our guide to dehydration in cats for information on what to do if your cat isnt drinking enough.